

  • Global Biodiversity Information Facility: GBIF is an international network and data infrastructure aimed at providing anyone, anywhere, open access to data about all types of life on Earth. We use two different datasets that aggregate data from many sources including the iNaturalist Research-grade Observations dataset. These datasets can be found here and here. (11 July 2023) GBIF Occurrence Download.
  • Ocean Biodiversity Information System: OBIS is a global open-access data and information clearing-house on marine biodiversity for science, conservation and sustainable development. OBIS (2023) Ocean Biodiversity Information System. Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO.
  • WildFinder Database: World Wildlife Fund. 2006. WildFinder: Online database of species distributions, ver. Jan-06.
  • The PLANTS Database: USDA, NRCS. 2021. The PLANTS Database (, 10/27/2021). National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC USA.
  • IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: IUCN 2024. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2024-1.2. Downloaded on 30 May 2024. The datasets can be found here.
  • Atlas of United States trees: Fryer, Janet L., comp. 2018. Tree species distribution maps from Little's "Atlas of United States trees" series. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Will Petry, & Shawn Taylor. (2022). wpetry/USTreeAtlas: Initial release (v1.0). Zenodo. The dataset can be found here.
  • USGS Gap Analysis Project U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Gap Analysis Project (GAP), 2018, U.S.Geological Survey - Gap Analysis Project Species Range Maps CONUS_2001: U.S. Geological Survey data release. The dataset can be found here.