
Code of Conduct

By using Ecotenet, you agree that you will follow this code of conduct:
A short summary: Be nice. No harassment, trolling, or spamming.
  • Harassment includes sexual language and imagery, deliberate intimidation, stalking, name-calling, unwelcome attention, libel, and any malicious hacking or social engineering. Ecotenet should be a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, income, race, national origin, or religion (or lack thereof).
  • Trolling includes posting inflammatory comments to provoke an emotional response or disrupt discussions.
  • Spamming includes posting off-topic messages to disrupt discussions, promote a product, solicit donations, advertise a job/internship/gig, or flooding discussions with files or text.
If you see someone harass, troll, or spam anywhere in the Ecotenet community (comments, forum, etc.), notify us by flagging the offense, and if necessary, sending us an email at, preferably with a screen shot and URL of the offense. The moderator team will take any action we deem appropriate, up to and including banning the offender from Ecotenet.
Also, we do not allow machines to generate and post content (posts, comments, etc.) on Ecotenet with no human oversight curating each piece of content. Any account suspected of doing so is subject to suspension and the removal of the content.
Treat everyone with respect and dignity and assume people mean well. Don't forget that there are real people behind the usernames. Ecotenet is a community including people from all backgrounds from age 13 and up. We may share a similar interest in connecting with the natural environment, but that might be where our similarities end. Don't assume everyone shares your politics or your sense of humor, or even speaks your language, so try to keep things polite and neutral until you get to know someone. If your emotions are running high, maybe stepping away from your computer and letting yourself calm down for a while will help. If you think a piece of content is inappropriate or represents a violation, please flag it as such, but please assume people have made an honest mistake unless you have evidence to the contrary.
This Code of Conduct has been adapted from freecodecamp and iNaturalist.